Thursday, May 29, 2008

I changed the setting so you can comment with out being a member!

My hair is getting whiter, my wrinkles are getting deeper all from: Writing this thesis (almost done, doing editing and then have to format) due today in 11 hours. Liberation paper that needs 15 liberating references due next Tuesday. Mediation paper less than 15 pages due Monday. Notes and project for liberation due this Tuesday. All combined with a final and oh yeah I still will have corrections after tomorrow for this thesis. All with my work where I have technically gone over my payable hours wants me to write an evaluation by this monday of a program...ugh! where does social time come in?

I keep telling myself, only 2 more weeks, but wow it is getting mighty painful! I think when this is all done I will buy 3d color chalk, a bottle of wine and call it a weekend on a Monday!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bangladesh or bust!

I have a ticket, I leave the 1st of July arrive three days later

Cincinnati-New York
New York-Dubai (I have a 6 hour lay over, any suggestions on activities besides the already thought of Camel race or flirt with Saudi Prince's?)

I get to spend one more 4th of July in Dhaka-woowhoo! Actually I am excited, well not because of the 4th, just because I am so ready to start working!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Indiana Jones and strep throat

When I was a kid Igot strep throat at least twice a year. Since I can remember when I was sick I would go in my parents room with a large pitcher of water and a stack of movies. The "sick movies" these were all three Indiana Jones and the two Crocidile Dundee movies. I think I watched them at least 500 times.

I have strep throat again now, is it because Indiana Jones just came out again???? I think their might be a direct relation to it...or it might have been my snot nosed neice coghing in my face and drinking out of my cups, but I bet it is the indiana jones!

I have not had strep since I was in college (7 years ago). Back then I ignored the strep until I got scarlet fever when luckily my roomate nurse Gina made me to go the hospital. I dont want that to happen again so I think I will go crawl in my parents bed and start watching the sick movies!


Monday, May 19, 2008


Does anyone have any thoughts about laptops? I want a rugged one. I was looking at Levno, Toshiba, or panasonic.....I know you mac lovers are vomiting right now but well Mac's break to easy for me and people in south east asia just make them they don't know how to fix them ;)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

To do List

I hope if this is public I will try to get this done fast!
This is gonna get edited allot.....but as of May 17 I need to do the following -when one thing gets crossed off another gets added!
  • get rid of a ton of stuff at naked ladies party
  • finish: thesis, liberation paper, take final
  • graduation
  • Andreas wedding
  • finish evaluation for tax program
  • power of attorney
  • fix finances (student and credit)
  • get medical insurance: go to dentist and other not fun doc, get prescriptions for 3 or 6 mo
  • renew drivers license
  • sell car
  • hang out with friends and family
  • Fairbanks in town
  • pack
  • get one last hair cut
  • Chicago
  • Tenesee
  • Pay speeding ticket

I think that is it. I have at least a month! Things I finish I will delete. :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Urban Hiking


the annoying and the funny

I always put things of importance in a "safe place". Sounds like a great idea until I forget where that safe place is. I am already praying to Saint Jude hoping something will help me find the things I have misplaced recently!

  • PC Passport
  • large silver ring with bums on it. When ever I ride my bike that ring is necessary so I can hit cars if they need to be hit!
  • one horse shoe earring
  • a silver shoe to wear in Andrea's wedding, I have one, just not the other
  • my tsunami t shirt
  • photo album
  • combination to a lock

I know there are more things. I just can not think of them now. Oh well, I am packing stuff up and going through everything so maybe my lost "treasures" will come up.

A few people wanted to see Asha's (my niece) dance photos. No she is not the next Jon Benet Ramsey (SP??). No Andrea, Michelle and Amanda will not go and try to take photos in front of her house. She is just a hyper 2 year old! So....daycare asked Soshana (sister) to put her in dance. She dances everywhere! Down the street, down the hall, on the bed! However, she does not dance at dance recitals! She was so upset! It was actually hilarious! In our family you are not loved unless you are teased....there is now something to teaser her with! Yeah!

My life is awfully boring right now. The Thesis is almost done! Woowhooo! well not with in a weekend done, but almost!

Still grounded!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Getting started!

If anyone wants to share:

"things everyone should know about blogging" or "blogging for dummies"

let me know!

I was never a fan of this, but I think it will be better than mass emails. Also my mom understands it!