- PC Passport
- large silver ring with bums on it. When ever I ride my bike that ring is necessary so I can hit cars if they need to be hit!
- one horse shoe earring
- a silver shoe to wear in Andrea's wedding, I have one, just not the other
- my tsunami t shirt
- photo album
- combination to a lock
I know there are more things. I just can not think of them now. Oh well, I am packing stuff up and going through everything so maybe my lost "treasures" will come up.
A few people wanted to see Asha's (my niece) dance photos. No she is not the next Jon Benet Ramsey (SP??). No Andrea, Michelle and Amanda will not go and try to take photos in front of her house. She is just a hyper 2 year old! So....daycare asked Soshana (sister) to put her in dance. She dances everywhere! Down the street, down the hall, on the bed! However, she does not dance at dance recitals! She was so upset! It was actually hilarious! In our family you are not loved unless you are teased....there is now something to teaser her with! Yeah!
My life is awfully boring right now. The Thesis is almost done! Woowhooo! well not with in a weekend done, but almost!
Still grounded!
ok, I can not figure out how to use the picture up load I guess....so you can read about Asha but not see her funny pics unless you have facebook!
a silver ring with bums on it? your tsunami t-shirt?
Oh Naashom, I'm going to miss you!
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